So here’s just my 2 cents worth today. Race… that word is being used today in a way that is racism itself. The suffix “ism” means methodology, and “ist” means one who practices that methodology.
“Hey, have you been keeping up with FaceBook? All those memes about how racism is rampant in the US these days! Are you a racist?”
“No, not anymore. I succeeded at racism way back when I was a neanderthal and we first had sex. What, did you forget? Funny how creating a child together can wake you up to the realities of what race is, what is its definition and what it means. All those romantic evenings… you actually forgot didn’t you! Well, it was quite some time ago… and fair enough even if you didn’t forget but are referring in a round about fashion to how I occasionally had to remind everybody that in order for things to get better (all that violence between our so-called races back then, do you recall?), we need to instill in both our, again, so-called, races the ism of love so that it can become natural… which between me and you my love, I assure you I always believed in that it was, and is… but in answer to your question, as though it were asked assuming that Latin is still a dead language, which it is, as it ought to be, and that it’s being dead specifically refers to that it is non-evolving to the effect that its words have unchanging inherent definition as opposed to meaning which we equate to ourselves by way of feelings associated with personal experiences, that enduring Latin that serves our subspecies (aka race) taxonomically so we can speak abstractly as a release from the self-evolved anarchistic state of mind that is Monglish (Modern English) that evolved to accommodate everyone’s need to communicate even if only rudimentarily in this civilized society, that state of mind, for lack of a better word… mind… except of course if we consider that perhaps the Borg have had some influence on it (us), that we all seem to insist on and persist upon attempting to make it accommodate our feewings too, just wike that Engwish does oh so well, even to the ridiculous effect of attempts by the status-quo to slangify Latin and thus destroy our ability to speak intelligently about things we would otherwise only be able to share how we feel concerning… no, I am not, and here I spell it out for you… a race-s-ist (that is to say nominally) nor am I racesist (that is to say adjectivally). You know, if I were what you are calling racist, I would ask, what skin tone, assuming that is what defines the so-called races, gets to keep the subspecific epithet?”
Way back before slavery in America, anthropologically speaking, blacks and whites were thought to be different races (subspecies). This was of course incorrect, but was believed to be true because the word race (subspecies) was being used synonymous with the word subspecies, as it still is among educated men. Early anthropologists classified what we now know to be Homo sapiens sapiens into groups… different races (subspecies)… because they didn’t know that we could actually interbreed… and after we knew better than that, some had to justify the ownership of slaves… so they publicly perpetuated the belief that we shouldn’t or couldn’t interbreed under purely natural circumstances, or wouldn’t unless only between “unnatural” or “deranged” individuals; the word race began to take on an entirely new meaning… but in all actually, a pseudo-meaning… the same racist pseudo-meaning that is publicly perpetuated today… even by those who claim they are not racist!
Our race (subspecies) is Homo sapiens sapiens. Everybody who refers to “whites” and “blacks”, for example, as different races (subspecies) has an ignorant and/or dishonest slave era mentality. In other words, you are using the word race (subspecies) in an inaccurate slang capacity to indicate division within our race (subspecies).
Real anthropologists grew up in terms of social maturation, won’t you? I am a real anthropologist with a real BA degree in anthropology from Humboldt State University; I hold two nationally recognized honors of excellence, a 3.5 gpa, and a BS degree as well… this isn’t bragging… hardly… but I just thought you might like to know how… archaic… you sound when you use the word race in accordance with its pseudo-meaning. It’s ok to grow up with regards to this, so please do. It’s called… reading.
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