I haven’t written a post here in quite a while and I just thought I’d remind myself and others what blogging is really all about.
People make money blogging everyday, all day long. That is the beauty of a blog. A blog can make money even while you sleep. Whereas your typical day-job only makes you money for the hours you are at work.
But that isn’t to say that no work is required to blog, only that the hour of work you put into your blog last week will add to your potential revenue for as long as your blog is online and people are attracted to it.
Why are people attracted to blogs? Because they want information. Information comes in many forms, and the more passionate about your blog topic you are, the more various kinds of information you will more effortlessly share with your readers. Here are a few kinds of information, in no particular order:
- Advice
- Answers
- Entertainment
- Inspiration
- Methods
- Motivation
- Opinions
- Solutions
Think about what you want your blog to achieve other than make money.
Ask yourself this…
If I already had all the money I could ever possibly want, what would I blog about?
If your answer is anything other than NOTHING, then you’re good to go!
Write for the love of writing about things you love to do… and while there is a method to the madness… the money will come! Who knows, you may even change a paradigm or two!
What is YOUR passion?
Speak Your Mind Below!!!
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About me, the author… Troy Boylan
Ecoculture Village Founder & President, Anthropology BA, Interdisciplinary Studies: Ethnobotany BS. Two things I think are worth anything at all… all things wilderness and ecoculture… and well, RPGs… and skateboarding!
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