I haven’t written a post here in quite a while and I just thought I’d remind myself and others what blogging is really all about.
Word Count: ~260/250 = Read Time: 1 mins
Ecoculture Village's Online Income Ideas
Using blogsite monetizing principles for achieving financial self-sufficiency via passive income streams!
I was very skeptical of this one, because I discovered it by way of a program built around it, and that program utilized upsells in order to make more money. But I peeled back the layers, so to speak, and I discovered that program built around it is completely unnecessary. I may try it at some point in the future but if I do, that will be the basis for another article.
Account automation is not about willpower. It is a means of replacing willpower. Willpower is the unsuccessful strategy that is the reason why so many are in debt these days. We are learning as a culture that, for most of us, willpower does not work. But, automating your accounts does work. It removes money you should be saving from your checking account just after it is direct deposited, so you cannot easily spend it. Letting the power of automation work for you means saving time as well as money.
In this credit based society, being in debt is usually thought of as a normal fact of life for many Americans, and it is… but it doesn’t need to be. Being in debt and/or having a poor credit rating WILL hurt you financially in the long-run more than you might realize.
The inverse is of course that saving regularly and having an excellent credit rating will give you more financial freedom & self-sufficiency.
I recall years ago, an article in the September 1986 issue of Omni Magazine (a great science and science fiction magazine I’m sad is no longer with us)… an article about the ideal future house… a “living breathing” house that was “aware” of its inhabitants and their individual preferences. It had all the automatic computer environmental controls, etc. The modern household is not too far off from the one I was amazed by in the Omni article.
Right… and WRONG! I have read some bloggers argue against passive internet income, saying that it is an inaccurate use of words; their argument is that EVERY financial endeavor requires some work in order to be profitable… AND, they say that to make the BIG money in monetizing a website requires lots of time, energy, […]
About me... Troy Boylan Ecoculture Village Founder & President, Anthropology BA, Interdisciplinary Studies: Ethnobotany BS. Two things I think are worth anything at all... all things wilderness and ecoculture... and well, RPGs... and skateboarding! So, what's up!?
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