The more I try, the more I fail. And the more I fail, the closer I know I am getting to success… BECAUSE… I’m not trying the same things under the same circumstances… or am I? You see what I’m saying?
And by all means think too hard about it. Think so hard about it you give yourself your first migraine if you’ve never had one. Not really. Take it easy on yourself. But I’m sure you catch my drift. At least you pushed so hard against that so-called limitation that you now know that it probably really is one!
I have been thinking today about what my limitations are, and I have come up with two. Both have to do with saving time.
1. I think about how expensive it is to copyright writing through the copyright office, and I think, “I won’t share my best writing on my blog. I’ll save that for a book I can sell!” And until such time as I figure out exactly in what direction and for what reasons my book(s) are coming along, I think saving select writings for a book rather than just posting everything I write to a blog is a smart move. And that solves that little problem of procrastination with regards to what to blog.
2. I think about how I can limit the amount of creating backlinks after I write an article. I get so into the creative process of writing an article that when I’m done and it is time to share it… it is almost hate in comparison to the joy I get from writing. Not always, but sometimes, I feel I actually hate the process of putting the url up on the social networks and sending an email out to my list every time I write a new article. But, then I think of the people who will enjoy reading my writing and the hatred fades away… sort of. It is a chore and there will always be a few inherent to better blogging. And so, I have partially automated the sharing to my email list.
I have one domain name ( ) that has several sub-directories, each of which is a blog of a different topic that subscribers can opt out of individually at any time:
Topic Blogs
Project Blogs
Each of these several blogs has its own RSS feed and will auto-send any new article posted to it to those viewsletter subscribers who are subscribed to that particular blog. I really like this feature of MailChimp. You should try them. They are a great marketing automation platform with lots of room for customization. And they are FREE until you have 2,000 subscribers!
Every time you refer new MailChimp customers, we’ll add $30 in MonkeyRewards to their account and to your account. Everybody wins! — MailChimp
Regardless, in addition to the individual automatically sent new article emails, I think I will send out one email per week… or at least I’ll try to… with a little about each article accompanying the urls, regardless of whether or not I wrote anything. As well, I will have introductory notes, links to others’ articles that I found useful, inspiring, etc., and maybe a quote I found relevant to my progress, feelings, etc. I feel this is a fair compromise in staying true to myself by not relying entirely on automation, and in the very least consistent, if not loyal, to my readers. I think it is only fair to give them (you) all I can, especially if I expect any loyalty in return.
True success isn’t only something you create, it’s something you’ve got to keep up with. Something about meeting expectations, of self and others.
I know this to be true because this is my greatest challenge. I know when I write I succeed, and when I don’t… I stagnate.
What are your thoughts on better blogging?
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About me, the author… Troy Boylan
Ecoculture Village Founder & President, Anthropology BA, Interdisciplinary Studies: Ethnobotany BS. Two things I think are worth anything at all… all things wilderness and ecoculture… and well, RPGs… and skateboarding!
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