In survival… attitude is everything. This is not debatable, and is the very first thing anyone concerned with survival must understand. Understand?
If your answer to Question #1 is ‘No’, then stop reading… to continue would be a complete waste of your time.
Good, you’ve gotten this far. Many won’t, so you CAN be proud, but don’t be, for it is enough that you can be. Congratulations! You are now a member of the human species… known as Homo sapiens silvaticus… or something like that. The point is that you have decided you are not a member of the humano…id species otherwise known as Homo sapiens sapiens, that seems characteristically bent on its own destruction. As they must yet learn to accept our ways in order to survive, we must never yield our understanding to their not–understanding. Although, we embrace their potential, and because it is our desire that everyone answer Question #1 with a resounding ‘Yes!’ we still occasionally refer to ourselves in the very least subconsciously as humanoids even though we know we are an enlightened sort. For, it is not the children who admonish the children. Do you agree?
“I agree that it isn’t just about me.”
In perceiving the human species as a non–suicidal species, it follows that all human activity SHOULD be non–suicidal. The validity of this argument is only expounded upon the more humans are involved in group activity. Therefore, the epitome of human group activity is most expounding upon the validity of this argument. Thus, if human civilization should be anything at all, it should in the very least be an example of survival so that at most it can be an example of living excellence.
In changing the world, a good place to start might be to ask Questions #3 & #4, which are:
- What things might destroy us regardless of how likely they are to occur?
- What things that might destroy us are most likely to occur?
Both Questions #3 & #4 are equally important, even though “they (Homo sapiens sapiens)” might call you parano…id for believing so, and they might be right… but good for you nonetheless!
Question #5: What are we going to do to survive, so that we might yet live excellently?
Unless we are presently in a survival situation, the answer to Question #5 is:
“We are going to use the three P’s.”
The three P’s are:
- Plan.
- Prepare for the plan.
- Practice the prepared for plan!!!
Even though events such as a nuclear war, a meteor collision with Earth, a Yellowstone eruption, or ROR (Rapid Onset Rabies) might seem remote and might even be remote, the true fact is that they are catastrophic events that cannot be reliably predicted; so even despite the remotest chance of their occurrence, their survivability should be provided for as soon as possible. Thus, there is the TEOTWAWKI (The-End-Of-The-World-As-We-Know-It) shelter. The TEOTWAWKI shelter is where, in the event of a nuclear, biological, chemical, and/or act of (acronym/abstraction/ancestor/angel/deity/personification/sorcerer/very-highly-respected-legendary-andor-mythological-being of choice) event… refuge can be taken underground, ideally for as long as necessary. It should be stocked with enough medical supplies, water, food, fuel, etc. to last anywhere from several days (in the event of a minor tragedy) to several years (in the event of a major catastrophe) per person. It should have fresh air, waste disposal, etc. This may seem like such a major undertaking that any imagined remoteness of its necessity might tend to convince some that it should not be constructed. That kind of rationalization is to answer question #1 with a "No". Remember that as viable representatives of our species, we will always answer question #1 with a "resounding ‘Yes!’"
"Yes… but why underground?"
During the series of catastrophic events that killed the dinosaurs, we were small herbivorous or omnivorous mammals that lived primarily in extensive burrows underground. We stockpiled plant roots and probably seeds too in our burrows. Since we were underground, we were spared from the fires, acid rain, poisonous soot, extended winter, and greenhouse effect that ravaged most of the surface world. The point is that we were sufficiently afraid of predation before the catastrophes… seeking to be inaccessible to the many carnivores wandering the surface world, that we increased our chances of survival by going underground. It turned out that not only had we increased our chances of surviving predation, but we also survived the catastrophic events that resulted in the extinction of most of the life on the planet at that time. Underground is the best shelter… the next survival priority after first aid (life-saving emergency medical care) and security, of which shelter is a part.
The ‘rule of existence prioritization’ (I just made that up) suggests that after the TEOTWAWKI shelter is completed and fully stocked, within the general proximity of the TEOTWAWKI shelter will be a wilderness survival camp, which is a place where knowledge of survival and "living off of the fat of the land" is practiced so that said knowledge shall not be lost and can be relied upon when (not "if") needed or desired. The general vicinity will also serve as ground zero for Ecoculture Village, which will grow and evolve over time into a fully functioning example of living excellence.
More to come….
In the hope you enjoyed reading T^Boan’s Spear of Destiny Survival Guide: Introduction (Or… Questions #1 through #6)… be sure to subscribe to the viewsletter to stay informed of new articles and future free e-reports.
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