Jay is our resident mushroom farmer… years of experimentation have resulted in techniques perfected and rad. Jay specializes in culturing and growing the gourmet edible and medicinal mushrooms known as Elm Oyster Mushrooms (Hypsizygus ulmarius}, from spore to fruitbody. They are delicious and healthy and we love ’em! We want you to love ’em too.
The Ecological Gardening Method… About Soil, Not Food
When most people think ‘vegetable gardens’ they immediately think ‘food’… but in order for an organic garden to be about food, it first needs to be about soil. Understand that organic vegetable gardening is really ‘soil building’ and you will have the healthiest plants possible. The food your garden produces is only as good as the soil it grows from. Compost is your friend; use it always, whenever you replace a “weed” plant with a more useful species, and whenever you see a spot unoccupied by a plant.